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Cultivating Positivity: How to Break Free from the Grip of Negativity

September 20, 20234 min read

Cultivating Positivity: How to Break Free from the Grip of Negativity

We probably have all heard about the damage that can happen to young children when bombarded by negativity in words, actions, and environment. Today I’d like to reframe just a bit to talk about the damage we do to ourselves and those around us when we fall into the destructive habit of negative  thoughts, words, and actions; or living in an environment that is mostly negative. 

Negativity, whether it stems from one's own thoughts and emotions or from external sources (Workmates, Family, Friends), can have significant effects on both your psyche and your surroundings… like how plants thrive when we speak kindly to them or play uplifting music or fail to thrive in discouraging situations.

Here are some key ways in which negativity can impact yourself, your people and your environment:

Negativity Definition

Psychological Effects:

   a. Mood and Emotions: Constant exposure to negativity can lead to feelings of sadness, anxiety, and stress. Negative thoughts and emotions can become overwhelming, affecting one's overall mood and emotional well-being.

   b. Self-Esteem: A negative mindset can erode self-esteem and self-worth over time. People may start to doubt themselves and their abilities, leading to a lack of confidence.

   c. Cognitive Functioning: Persistent negativity can impair cognitive functions such as decision-making, problem-solving, and memory. It can also lead to rumination, where individuals endlessly dwell on negative thoughts.

   d. Physical Health: Prolonged exposure to negativity can contribute to physical health problems, including increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, weakened immune system, and sleep disturbances.

Social and Interpersonal Effects:

   a. Relationships: Constant negativity can strain relationships with friends, family, and colleagues. Negative attitudes and behaviors can create conflict, leading to isolation and strained social connections.

   b. Workplace: In a professional setting, negativity can affect productivity, teamwork, and morale. It can contribute to a toxic work environment and decrease job satisfaction.

Environmental Effects:

   a. Physical Environment: Negativity can manifest in the physical environment through clutter, disorganization, and neglect. A negative mindset may lead to neglecting household chores or not being able to maintain a clean and pleasant living space.

   b. Community and Society: On a larger scale, widespread negativity within a community or society can lead to social unrest, mistrust, and a breakdown of social cohesion.

4. Feedback Loop: Negativity can create a feedback loop where negative thoughts and emotions reinforce each other. For example, feeling negative can lead to pessimistic thinking, which, in turn, can exacerbate negative emotions.

It's important to note that negativity is a normal part of the human experience, and everyone encounters negative thoughts and emotions from time to time. However, chronic or excessive negativity can be detrimental. 

To mitigate the effects of negativity on one's psyche and surroundings, individuals can consider the following strategies:

-Self-awareness: Recognize when negativity is arising and try to identify its source. Understanding the cause can help you address it more effectively. Friends can help with this.  

- Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices like mindfulness and meditation can help individuals manage negative thoughts and emotions by promoting self-awareness and emotional regulation. Take a break.  Take a walk.  Take a 5 minute mental vacation. 

- Positive Psychology: Focusing on positive aspects of life, practicing gratitude, and cultivating positive relationships can counteract negativity. David George Brook has written a journal that may help. THAT GRATITUDE GUY'S DAILY GRATITUDE JOURNAL: Unleashing Gratitude's Power in Just Five Minutes a Day is available on Amazon:

- Seeking Support: Talking to friends, family, or a mental health professional can provide valuable support and strategies for managing negativity. You may even consider finding a Mindset Coach to help you in areas where you struggle.  (Traditional life coaching focuses on strategies to help you reach a specific goal or goals, while mindset coaching focuses on your inner thoughts, self-beliefs and behavioral patterns.) Our friend Emily Bisson is amazing at helping us reframe our thoughts! 

- Limiting Exposure: When possible, limit exposure to negative influences, whether it's negative people, news, or social media. Surround yourself with positivity when you can. 

- Healthy Lifestyle: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate sleep can positively impact mental and emotional well-being.

Remember that managing negativity is an ongoing process, and it may require time and effort. Developing resilience and coping strategies can help individuals better navigate the challenges that negativity presents in both their psyche and surroundings.

“You cannot keep birds from flying over your head, but you can keep them from building a nest in your hair” ~ Martin Luther

NegativityPositivityPositive AttitudeMental HealthPhysical Health

Rhonda Baze

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